Our Amigo jazz albums
Before starting the Country & Eastern label we had very good cooperation with Amigo Records in Sweden, especially Göran Petersson who produced albums of Indian classical as well as contemporary music. But Amigo was bought by people with strong economic desires so naturally they wanted to get rid of all ”slow moving items”. They were about to destroy these albums so we bought some of them, not only the Hindustani classical albums that I’ve told you about before but also our own albums in jazz and related genres. If interested, follow the links to these albums, analog as well as digital on iTunes and Spotify:
Berger Knutsson Spering: Om Natten (Amigo AMCD 880) 1997
enteli: Enteli Live (Amigo, AMCD 738) 1997
Bengt Berger Old School: All Time High (Amigo AMCD 885) 1999
Christian Spering: Pied à terre(AMCD 888) 2000
Berger Knutsson Spering: Live Vol. 1 at Glenn Miller Café (Amigo AMCD 889) 2001
Berger Knutsson Spering: Live Vol. 2 at Mosebacke (Amigo AMCD 890) 2001 – featuring Bobo Stenson, piano and Matthias Ståhl, vibes