

I’m a drummer, percussionist, composer and doer with a 60-year old interest in the world of music. Originally a jazz drummer, my own music has become heavily influenced by Hindustani, Karnatic and West African musics which I studied during some years in India and Ghana.

On my pages here, you find stuff about some things I’ve done and things I am involved in: Indian classical music: My tabla and mridangam teachers and Indian musician friends, soundfiles of my teachers, friends and myself; press material, things going on at the moment, information about recordings, links to friends etc as well as random thoughts and things I want to communicate. I am closely linked to the Country & Eastern label and production company so these pages that were originally on their own site ( are now a part of Country & Eastern, the label and production company I started some twenty years back.

Here is a flattering essay on me and my work by Raul da Gama, Bengt Berger: Percussion – Communion and one from Jazz Journal by Michael Tucker, Bengt Berger: folk-jazz pioneer.

There are quite a few photos on our pages where the photographer is not known or named, we are sorry for that. If you don’t want any of your photos published here, or if you want your name to be stated, please contact me at