Live in London 1966
Bale Khan
“Ustad Bale Khan is the second son (out of 7 sitar playing brothers!)”

It seems we have done a mistake,
the concert was actually in 1971. Unfortunately we can’t change the title as the production is completed but now you know! Thank you Ustad Hafiz Balekhan (son of Bale Khan) for the correction.
One more rare gem of North Indian classical music
On November 1st 2019 we are very happy to release one more rare gem of North Indian classical music. This time we present Sitar Nawaz Ustad Bale Khan, sitar and Pandit Taranath Rao, tabla in a live concert that we recorded in London 1971. The recording was done in a small private concert and was recorded on a cassette recorder so the sound quality is not as great as one would wish. But this is a unique historic recording documenting a major sitar maestro who comes out of a slightly different gharana than the ones we are used to hearing. Moreover the recording has been lovingly treated by our favourite mastering genius Claes Persson so it sounds quite ok.

Thanks for all assistance Ustad Rafique Khan, younger brother of Bale Khan.
Here is the iTunes booklet for you to download. Enjoy!
Review in Swedish, Lira.
Sitar Nawaz Ustad Bale Khan comes from an illustrious family of accomplished musicians of Gwalior & Kirana Gharana. Ustad Bale Khan is the second son (out of 7 sitar playing brothers!) of Abdul Karim Khan, son of Sitar Ratna Rahimat Khan , son of Gulaam Hussain Khan. He has two sons, Ustad Hafiz Bale Khan and Ustad Raiz Bale Khan.

Pandit Taranath (1915-1991) is well known to the Country & Eastern audience and to all tabla lovers. He learned from many great masters including Ustad Samshuddin Khan and has many highly regarded shishyas, some of whom can also be heard on our albums.
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Recorded in a private concert by Bengt Berger
Mastering Claes Persson, CRP Recording
Graphic Design Jon Edergren, Spektra
Produced by Bengt Berger
Digital release only
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